Hybrid Election
How Do I Add a Paper Ballot to Results?
This is a feature of a hybrid election. When the voter sends in a paper ballot, the result needs to be documented. The admin can add the result in one of two ways. From the Voting Manager side navigation, click on HYBRID ENTRY > BALLOT ENTRY. Type in ...
How do I edit or update a printable paper ballot?
To print a paper ballot, you must have the Hybrid Election feature enabled on your account. If you don't see the Hybrid Entry side navigation option, please contact support@associationvoting.com for assistance. To change the instructions, return ...
How to Print a Paper Ballot, How to Print a Personalized Ballot
This is a feature of a hybrid election. First, the configuration of the election needs to be completed, as well as all the slate information finished. Paper Ballots can then be printed out and mailed. Once mailed, there is no way to change the ...
What Is A Hybrid Election?
AssociationVoting offers a hybrid election service to allow a single election site to capture online voting results and also include paper ballot results for those who don't have access, or chose not to participate in the online election. As the ...