What is a group and how do I use it?

What is a group and how do I use it?

Video Instructions:  Help Setting Up Groups

Groups can help organize your voters into specific designated blocks (teams, regions, groups) in your election. From the Voting Manager, click on GROUPS > ADD to create a group. From here, you can also give voting weight to members of this group. When you upload the voters on a CSV, you can attach them to a group. You can also attach any voter to a group by editing the user and selecting their designated group.

Note: You will not be able to attach a voter to a group, until a group has been created.

There are various ways to use a group.

As possible examples:

A) A realtor association, where realtors are allowed to vote on the President, however realtor associates are not. To support this rule in the election, first, create the Realtor and Realtor Associates teams.

  1. From the side navigation, goto BALLOT > POSITIONS
  2. Select the position that you would like to edit from the position table
  3. On the Position Edit screen at the bottom beneath the position description is a required groups section. Selecting a team in the "required group" section enforces  that a voter must be a member of any selected group to that specific item on the ballot. For this example only the Realtors group may vote for the President, so select the Realtor checkbox. 

B) Or a homeowners association where members may have different voting weights or counts based on the number of units (homes) owned. Or perhaps the voter has a voting weight based on the shares of ownership in a condo, etc. So for example, the group Full Owners has a weight of 1 vote, while the members of the group Time-Share have a voting weight of 1/2 vote.

To assign weights: 

  1. click on GROUPS > BROWSE. 
  2. Find and select ‘Edit’ for the group you wish to edit
  3. on the 'Edit Group' screen, change the voting weight as desired
  4. save the changes

ADD Multiple members to a Group

You can specify groups when you upload your voters, this is explained in detail in the above video.  But if you already have voters in the system and want to assign multiple to a group.  You can do this from the Browse Voter screen. From the side navigation, goto Voters -> Browse

Select the members to add to your group and then select the Add to Groujp button. see screen capture above

Select an existing group or "create a new group".  If you select create a new group, you will be able to add the new group name on this screen.  see screen capture above

Tab the Add to Group Button on the Bulk Add To Group page. 

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