UPDATES to the proxy feature NOT INCLUDED IN THE VIDEO and full instructions are included below. Please read:
Our proxy feature has been updated to allows for four (4) different types of Proxy scenarios:
For the first two options, the proxy can either be:
This instructions tutorial will cover the following:
NOTE: Instructions regarding proxy conversion to an election is covered in the "How do I convert a proxy collection to an election?" HELP article and NOT in this article.
a. Enable Proxy: Yes, turn proxy module on. If you don't want the proxy collection section showing on the ballot, you can turn off the proxy. This is not the process to convert the proxy.
b. Require Proxy Selection: Yes or No. Yes is the default.
c. Require Signature: Yes or No. if you select yes, a signature box will be presented and required. It will not be validated for voter name against the member database (ie: a voter may input D. J. instead of Doug Johnson etc.)
d. Allow proxy casters to revoke their own proxy? Yes or No. If yes, the proxy caster can log back into the proxy site after casting the proxy and revoke the proxy and cont. to edit the proxy ballot selections).
e. Message for Proxy Caster: You may edit the text in this editor.
3. SAVE Settings by clicking the blue “Save Settings” button
4. Next, go to Proxy > Wording (see image below). This page displays the wording that appears on the proxy assignment page above all proxy assignment options. You may update the wording in the editor for:
a. Proxy Assignment Option Instructions
b. Signature Language: the signature box is presented to the proxy caster after the proxy selection screen.
5. Click the “Save Wording” button
6. Next go to Proxy > Assignment Options to view the existing assignment options or create a new option.
7. Click the green “Add Option” button in the upper right of the page. Once clicked, this will add a Proxy option and display the following settings:
If yes, then the name will be sourced from the voter database in the software. If No, the voter can type in any name and the system will not validate against the member database; thus the proxy holder could be a non-member (the voter could type Mickey Mouse if the voter so chose to.)
iii. Voter Abstain: The proxy caster will not see the ballot nor with the proxy caster be prompted to select a proxy holder. The ballot will be marked as abstained and counted as a cast ballot.
iv. Voter cast Own ballot: The voter doesn't select a proxy and instead casts a ballot without assigning a proxy. If the proxy is converted to run the election in the software, this ballot is simply marked as cast.
c. Limited/Directed: Select the radio button to indicate whether the proxy is:
d. Ballot Language: This will display the proxy language displayed on the ballot. The text can be updated as needed using the text editor.
i. Proxy Holder Named by Voting Manager & Limited: in this case the default language will be "I assign my proxy to the presiding officer, to be cast as directed on the following proxy ballot." You can change the language. If the proxy is general you will want to update the langauge. An language example of a general proxy assigment is "I assign my proxy to the presiding officer, to vote on my/our behalf on all matters presented for a vote at the subject meeting, and only at this meeting."
ii. Proxy Holder Named by Voter & General: in this case the default language will be "I assign my proxy to PROXYASSIGNEE, to be cast by his/her best judgment." You could change this incase of Limited to be "I assign my proxy to PROXYASSIGNEE, to be cast as directed on the following proxy ballot." The language editor requires the term PROXYASSIGNEE to be included, as this text is replaced with the name text box. See the screen capture below to see the PROXYASSIGNEE replaced with a selection box:
iii. Abstain: in this case, the language could be updated. Example language: "I abstain from proxy selection and ballot direction, please cast my proxy for quorum purposes only."
iv. Voter cast own ballot: in this case the language could be updated. Example language: "I will not assign a proxy, I will cast my own ballot as follows."
8. Once all of the option settings have been completed, click “Save Changes”.
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each Proxy option that will be available to the Proxy caster.
c. Limited/Directed: Select the radio button next to “Yes, Limited: The voter sees the ballot”
d. Ballot Language: This will display the proxy language displayed on the ballot. The text can be updated as needed using the text editor. You will want to make sure the language reflects that ballot selections will be directed on the next page. Example:
1. I assign my proxy to PROXYASSIGNEE to be cast as directed on the following proxy ballot.
2. I assign my proxy to the presiding officer, to be cast as directed on the following proxy ballot.
3. Once all of the option settings have been completed, click “Save Changes”.
c. Limited/Directed: Select the radio button next to “No, General: The voter does not see the ballot”
d. Ballot Language: This will display the proxy language displayed on the ballot. The text can be updated as needed using the text editor. For a general proxy, no ballot will be displayed. Example general proxy language:
3. Once all of the option settings have been completed, click “Save Changes”.
To view the proxy assignement report, go to Proxy > Assignment Report from the main navigation. This report will display the following (see image below):
A) Stranded Ballots - Transitive
B) Ballots with Invalid Designees
C) A count of the assignments that have been granted
D) Proxy Assignments
The full proxy report will download an excel file that displays all of the proxy information by voter. Go to Proxy > Full Proxy Report and this will automatically download the excel file to your local downloads folder. NOTE: This option isn't available if you have an ANONYMOUS proxy/election. An example of a Full Proxy Report can downloaded here.
In proxy collection mode the results for the ballots and voters are the proxy ballot results and the voters are those who cast proxies in the system. To get proxy ballot results, follow the below instructions.
If you have questions or need further assistance with Proxies, please search on the word "Proxy" in HELP to find all of our HELP Guides on Proxy (including help with revoking proxies). Please contact support@associationvoting.com if additional assistance is needed.