How do I setup a nomination ballot?

How do I setup a nomination ballot?

Nominations Form Settings

If you have purchased the nominations ballot service addon, there will be an option under BALLOT > SETTINGS to turn on nominations balloting. You can choose the following setings (see image below):

  1. Enable Nominations Ballot: Select "Yes" to turn the nominations ballot on.
  2. Permin Voters to Reopen cast ballots: or submit multiple nomination ballots.
  3. Collect a Comment About each Nominee: Select "Yes" if you would like to include a text box that the nominator can fill in with a reason for nomination. 
  4. Remember to scroll to the bottom and select 'Save Settings'.

Create the Nomination Form

  1. Go to BALLOT > POSITIONS to create the positions for your nomination form.
    1. Click Add in the upper right corner to add a new position OR
    2. Click Edit to modify an existing position

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the position set up page to choose Required Groups (A voter must be a member of any of the selected groups to see this position item on the nominations form) You can also choose, Source Groups (Candidates nominated must belong to any one of these selected groups) See image below for reference.

  1. Click "Update Position" to save your information.

Please see the User Guide for further assistance with creating a ballot (or in this case a nominations form).  


The Nomination Form 

When you are on the ballot page, you can start typing in the name of someone that is in the voter list. The election website will bring up a list of names possible from what someone has typed in. A name must then be chosen (clicked on) to fill the write in field or else the system will divert the field back to an empty space to be typed in again.

Click 'Peview Nomination' to go to the page to confirm your selections and subsequently "Submit My Nomination".