How do I add ballot information from a previous election?

How do I add ballot information from a previous election?

To add items to the ballot from a previous election, go to My Elections in the main navigation on the left.


At the bottom of the My Elections page, all of the previous election snapshots will be displayed. Choose the election snapshot that you would like to restore and click “Ballot Language” to restore positions or click “Site Text” to restore the wording on the election site. See image below.


Ballot Language

This will display all of the positions and candidates that were included on the ballot.

To add items individually:

  1. Click the “Add to Current Ballot” button for each position that you would like to add to your current ballot.  (see image below)

To add multiple positions,

  1. Select the positions to add by clicking the checkbox next to the position name.
  2. You can Select All by clicking the blue “Select All” button at the top of the page
  3. Click the arrow in the “Bulk Actions” drop-down box to select “Add to Ballot”
  4. Click “Apply”

To see all of the positions that have been added to the ballot, go to Ballot > Positions or preview the ballot by going to Ballot > Preview

Site Text

This will display all of the election site pages for which the wording could have been updated.

To add items individually:

  1. Click the “Restore” button for each page that you would like to restore the wording to the current ballot.  (see image below)

To restore multiple pages,

  1. Select the election site pages by clicking the checkbox next to the page name.
  2. You can Select All by clicking the blue “Select All” button at the top of the page
  3. Click the arrow in the “Bulk Actions” drop-down box to select “Restore Wording”
  4. Click “Apply”

To see all of the site text that has been restored, go to Edit Site Instructions and click Preview to see the wording on each page. 

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