Ballot Not Yet Open - Message displayed when the ballot is not yet open
Default: The online ballot is not yet available. Voting opens {{openingday}}.
Ballot Closed - Message displayed when the ballot has closed
Default: The ballot is now closed. Voting ended {{closingday}}.
Login Screen - These instructions will appear above the login screen.
Default: The polls are open Now through {{closingday}}.
Welcome and Instructions - This message will be displayed once the member logs in and before he proceeds to the ballot
Default: Welcome to the online election. Please click "Proceed to Ballot" below to proceed to the ballot page.
Positions/Candidates Instructions - Specific instructions that appear before the positions/candidates section of the ballot.
Default: Nothing
Ballot Cast Already - This message appears when the member has already cast his ballot.
Thank you for casting your ballot. Our records show that you cast your ballot on {{casttime}}.
Propositions/Issues Instructions - Specific instructions that appear before the propositions/issues section of the ballot.
Default: Nothing
Instructions on Ballot Page - This message will appear at the top of the ballot page on which the member is to check his selections.
Default: Please mark your choices on the ballot below and click "Preview Ballot" when you are done.
Instructions on Ballot Preview Page - This message will appear at the top of the ballot preview page. The member should be prompted to review his selections, reminded that the ballot is not cast until he confirms the selections, and told to either click the change button or the cast button.
Default: Your ballot has not been recorded yet. Please verify that all of your selections are listed correctly below. If these are correct, and you are finished making selections, click "Cast My Ballot". If these are not correct, or if you would like to make additional selections or changes, click "Change My Ballot".
Ballot Cast Message - This message is displayed when the member casts his ballot.
Default: Thank you for casting your ballot. Your votes have been recorded successfully. You have now completed the online ballot.
Logout Message: - This message is displayed when the member logs out. The user can logout on either the preview or ballot cast page.
Default: Thank you for using the online voting system. You have now logged out.
Paper Ballot: Introduction - This appears at the top of the paper ballot.
Default: Nothing
Paper Ballot: Instructions - This paragraph appears at the top of the paper ballot below the introduction.
Default: Mothing.
Paper Ballot: Signature Paragraph - This paragraph appears above the signature.
Default: Nothing
Paper Ballot: Closing - This paragraph appears at the bottom of the paper ballot.
Default: Nothing