A short easy to follow guide with simple steps to set-up your election can be found here: https://www.associationvoting.com/user_files/AV_VotingManagerQuickStart.pdf Here is a QuickStart Guide Video to guide you through the setup of your online ...
Please find below a link to our Uploading Voters CSV User Guide & our video demonstration of Uploading Voters to the election site. The guide includes instructions for uploading voters to your election, and troubleshooting issues. Please follow the ...
Resend the email to all voters You can resend an email announcement easily via the Email Announcement -> Browse Campaigns section. For details on how you resend the whole campaign, please see this demonstration video: https://youtu.be/CeORNDbQ3pk ...
Please find below a link to our Voting Manager User Guide. This guide includes instructions for setting up your election, testing your election, and running a election summary report; as well as details on your voter's experience. Please follow the ...